Friday, February 22, 2008

random chapters

a friend, Stephanie sent me a picture of me painting a wall. that was the first wall I ever painted in my life. such a significant moment :D

isn't today a nasty day? by the time i got to my office in the morning, my so-called waterproof boots were completely soaked. nicely enough, my manager offered her sneakers to me, so i could wore them while i was in the office. few people said i looked weird in that pair of shoes and the shoes were too big that didn't look like mine... of course... they aren't mine.... hoho...

my sister and I ran out of the house a couple times the night before last night to check the moon. it was said to be the last total lunar eclipse until 2010... my initial reaction was, "wow, the LAST total lunar eclipse until 2010!!!! but...then, i realized... isn't 2010 just 2 years away? so why did i react like it's a millennium event?
anyways.... my sister tried to catch the eclipse using her cellphone... you can imagine the effect... I was surprised that there was still a dim dim light seen on the picture. I made fun of her saying that was actually the light from a street lamp...

But her friend apparently made a better attempt.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


had a bowel of ridiculously expensive chicken soup in Manhattan. size? small. And the soup looks exactly like what we normally had in Kline.... maybe not... it was a bit of too salty and a bit of too much taste of MSG. Later, I had a headache, not sure if it was because of the soup or something else...

I have the tendency to think that I can remedy something I've done wrong before... but in reality, it's not always the case; once you've done something wrong, the consequence is there and will always be there...

life, doesn't go backward, so move on.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The interior on the ground floor in American Red Cross is not interesting at all. Few posters hanged on the wall, as you will see here. And that is about all. Probably the spacious ground floor is deliberately designed to shelter a maximum number of people in case something happens.heavenly looking.... somehow reminds me statue of liberty.... Uncle Sam and... Isn't this Hollywood?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

my very first printer

just realized this blog only allowed registered bloggers to leave comments, so I have changed the setting to allow everyone to leave comments. so be nice to me, okay :)

hey, by the way, I bought the first printer in my life!!!
This black and white Brother printer originally costs about $120, and had been on sale for $70ish at Staples. For this coming week, however, the printer is on Presidential Sale until 02/23 for around $50 after rebate. A good deal in my opinion. :)