Thursday, February 28, 2008

just a tiny bit about what's going on

i am tired of reading about clinton's attack on obama in the news now... especially attacking him for something that she said she didn't say or do. "shame on you"? this is a little bit too much... if she didn't say or do it, why does she have to make such a big fuss out of it? you are a politician, don't get too hysterical. just clarify, restate your points, move on, do no linger.... if she continues to do so, her attack is going to be the only thing left to be remembered at the end of the race, at least in my mind... i think clinton's tactics are not working very well. first, Mr. clinton had said something about obama disapproved even by their own supporters; now mrs. clinton does the similar thing. i really wonder who that person is to advice the clintons to attack the rival in such a frequent way. attacking people does not necessarily show your strength, instead it might expose the deepest fear inside of you...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


- dreamed of my beloved grandparents who were deceased not long ago. we sat together and had a very nice short chat in a dark house; they offered me fruits, various fruits.... :) I told them that I have a boyfriend who lives in Germany. My grandpa said, "oh, this is not convenient. you have to take a taxi..." i corrected him, "no, airplane" "to see him..." "yes." i laughed and then woke up. still thinking it's amazing... I am glad that i dreamed about them...

- okay, here is my new year resolution (although it's kind of late); i will try to be nice to my sister, which means i will minimize all the chances of fighting with her.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

pulling my hair out :(

sigh...people, how do you get along with your siblings? She is driving me crazy. vice versa