Thursday, October 16, 2008

yay again!

i got my learner permit. finally :D

Monday, October 13, 2008

hair cut

it's not that bad... i think i am not going to saloon for a while. :) yay~

Sunday, October 12, 2008


still think about if i should go to a hair saloon tomorrow. a couple weeks ago, i chopped my hair at home, and since then, mom suggests me that i should have a professional to fix my hair. but i am still hesitating. after all these years of saloon going, my hair styles haven't changed a lot. i was never satisfied with the haircuts i got from saloon. so why bother to go through another disappointment? this was the rational i had when i decided to cut it myself.
as i am writing this post, my hands start to itch again. i think i am going to fix my hair again... tonight. lol