Sunday, March 8, 2009

ling's bday

ling's bday, originally uploaded by thepooler.
before i got out today, i checked the weather. the forecast said it would start to rain at 3pm and would continue into late at night. i took out my black rain boots. My dad said, "it's sunny outside." and I said, "it will rain soon." Although I told my dad so, I don't really believe it much . Every time i pull my rain boots up, the rain will either stop very quickly or just never come! but i still convinced myself to wear them; who knows if it is really going to rain. It turned out that the rain indeed came but just to wet the ground! And i got stuck in my large rain boots for the entire afternoon.

Despite of that, ling and I had a very nice walk in Chinatown. I didn't know there were so many interesting shops in her neighbourhood.

in the midst of our window shopping, we stopped at a mini cafe which tucks its half in the ground and juts out another half from the ground. Ling asked for a cup of espresso. I got my chicken vegi soup, not that tasty. but the owner's sweet attitude made up for everything.
yay, both of us had a great day hanging out.