Thursday, December 4, 2008


Strange things are happening everyday
I hear the music up above my head
Though the sight of my heart has left me again
I hear music up above

Secrets are written in the sky
Looks like I've lost the love I've never found
Though the sound of hope has left me again
I hear music up above

Standing in my broken heart all night long
Darkness held me like a friend when love wore off
Looking for the lamb that's hidden in the cross
The finder's lost
I know I loved you too much
I'll go alone to get through

I hear Rosetta singing in the night
Echos of light that shines like stars after they're gone
Tonight she's my guide as a girl on the moon
With the music up above

在 “奇怪的事情每天都在发生...."的歌声中,楼上的年轻夫妻在阵阵尖叫大吼声中互相扔着椅子。椅子落在地板上,楼下的我一阵心惊。我尽量不为所动. 那混杂的合声,竟然是莫名其妙的和谐。

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Kate and I are so materialistic; we got caught in black Friday frenzy. In addition to many other items we bought, each of us got a pair of boots and have felt no guilt about wearing those super high heels.

As she were trying her boots a while ago, she leaned on me in the sofa and lifted her right leg in the air, showing off her 4 inch high heel. She said, "I can knock someone out with my heels!"

Monday, December 1, 2008


had a long chat with kate. this is one of those rare but precious moments when i feel that having a sister is actually not a bad thing. call me cheesy, i suggested to have a sister day each month, so we can remedy the relationship which might be damaged over the month. we said we will do things together. dining, shopping, visiting places, or simply being lazy at home together. today was our first sister day. i made breakfast/lunch/dinner for both of us. we shopped online together. laughed a lot. and had few small quarrels. by the end of the day, we got together again and had a profound chat about life, work, and self. the conversation went well. so our sister day ended perfectly.