i didn't go for obama's speech. it was around 7pm, and our train was scheduled to leave just few hours after that. so after a little struggle, we decided not to go. it's a shame. this is once in a life time event, but we gave us a break on this last day, a historical day. you know, visiting a city can be exhausting. must not rush. should take it easy and enjoy :)
berlin is a city of rising. compared to munich, which is calmer and more established, berlin is more dynamic. numerous international visitors are here, especially in the newly constructed central stateion; construction sites are everywhere; hammering can be frequently heard; rising cranes and unfinished buildings are a big part of the berlin skyview. everywhere we went, there is a mark of history. the introduction of the sites normally starts with something like "during the wwii, this site was heavily bombed... what you have seen now is a rebuilt on the original site." many completions of the rebuilts are not long ago. lots of them just finished in late 1990s.
so after few days of being in the city, what i felt is the city seems to be still in recovery from the ww2 and cold war. or... the entire germany is.