Thursday, February 21, 2008


had a bowel of ridiculously expensive chicken soup in Manhattan. size? small. And the soup looks exactly like what we normally had in Kline.... maybe not... it was a bit of too salty and a bit of too much taste of MSG. Later, I had a headache, not sure if it was because of the soup or something else...

I have the tendency to think that I can remedy something I've done wrong before... but in reality, it's not always the case; once you've done something wrong, the consequence is there and will always be there...

life, doesn't go backward, so move on.


Anonymous said...

headache? it must be the MSG...sometimes i feel really thirsty after MSG meals and some people even get migrate headache.


vmselr said...

just not long ago, I heard from tv that MSG produces a strong taste of UMAMI, which is considered one of 5 basic tastes in food... the other 4 tastes are saltiness, sourness, sweetness, and bitterness. how interesting.