因为里面有蛋,所以姑且称它为“蛋糕”, 不然我实在不知道它该叫什么。
重点是,这是我生平第一个自己烤的蛋糕耶!! 烤炉真的是非常好用啊。
总 结: 以后还是不要买那种已经加工好的面粉好了。还是买生面粉,然后自己加糖加料,会好吃一点,至少有homemade 的味道。蛋糕一边放了一种叫redcurrant ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redcurrant ) ,红醋栗。原产自西欧,惯用与烹饪或者做果酱用。酸酸甜甜,也算好吃.但草莓是做蛋糕时可以用的王牌水果,所以另一边的草莓蛋糕好吃一点。
hey do you cook chinese food at all? i bet there are some chinese restaurants in Munich.
yeah we do, in the first week. and then we ve gone for something else. he wants variety of food.
u're like a housewife right now, hehe
there are Chinese restaurants. they are named as China Express. China Restaurant. Happy Wok. we haven't tried in any of them. We went for a Japanese Sushi bar, and it was ran by Chinese too. I was surprised, but shouldn't be so surprised... and they were playing songs by Zhao Wei...
to chun:
the first week of my staying, i feel like a miserable "housewife", but after that realization, i just cook less and less.. now half of the time, max is doing the cook. and he reads recipes and then does it. pretty good job.
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