Monday, October 6, 2008

a good movie.


Anonymous said...

ok this is so've already finished this film...and when i tried to put this item on hold, the nypl system listed its status as "on order" not updated. i just watched "Lost in Translaton"...not boring and the conversations were plain...not a lot of good films around huh, or am i just being highly critical?...em...i feel like i could be a cynical film critic...oh...i want to take a filmmaking class, i regreted that i did not take one at bard...


vmselr said...

you were interested in this movie too? nice. i haven't watched lost in translation.. the connversations were plain in the movie? i wanted to watch it now and see how plain the conversations could be.

speaking of "plain", max's dad gave max a DVD as a christmas gift last year. since it was a gift we thought it should be very interesting; and that was why he wanted his son to watch it.

it turned out that the movie is so PLAIN!! not only conversations were plain, the plots were just so boring... i still couldn't understand why max's dad gave it to him as a gift. maybe he just ran out of stuff to give as a present... lol