Monday, December 1, 2008


had a long chat with kate. this is one of those rare but precious moments when i feel that having a sister is actually not a bad thing. call me cheesy, i suggested to have a sister day each month, so we can remedy the relationship which might be damaged over the month. we said we will do things together. dining, shopping, visiting places, or simply being lazy at home together. today was our first sister day. i made breakfast/lunch/dinner for both of us. we shopped online together. laughed a lot. and had few small quarrels. by the end of the day, we got together again and had a profound chat about life, work, and self. the conversation went well. so our sister day ended perfectly.

1 comment:

LingNa said...

Hi, I am glad that you have fun with your sister. I like your pic, look very happy :)