Thursday, June 18, 2009





接下来回家的路上,我连自己会在路上跌倒,整个行李大散架的惨况都已经预想好了。不过事情毕竟会有否极泰来的时候。 接下来的行程,一切都还算顺利。


Anonymous said...

Hi jiajia, welcome back to nyc. -LL

Anonymous said...

one thing good about London's subway is that there are signs everywhere clearly point to where you want to go...with less ads in the subway train and stations to confuse you. New York really has to catch up w/ that. even the current MTA subway map is a mess. ususally other cities use diagram map...i don't mind getting map in relation to the geography, but at least, it should be clear to say, visitors.

thank God u got home safe. next time why not try JFK, we took the A train and the shuttle train to the airport, very easy.


vmselr said...

thanks, ll~~
i wanted to stick with JFK, but the airfare was much more expensive in for the flights in JFK and in Newark. so I chose to fly to newark. next time, i got to try really hard to find a fair fare in jfk. it's too much travel.