Wednesday, June 17, 2009

打包 + stuffed eggplants

第一次做 stuffed eggplants。 google 到的食谱,不知道是哪国的style. 看似有模有样,其实这个茄子壳太硬了点。下次再弄这个餐,要记得先把茄子壳放进加了盐的水里把它煮软点。或者干脆不要放在烤箱里,直接炖好了。

饭后要打包回纽约咯。明早7点的飞机。半夜就要出门了。 放了这么长的假,接下去要更努力生活。。。。 加油加油!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, u guys cook so many good foods. Those make me hungry.

I can't believe it when you so enjoy yourself, time flies.

Have a safe ride going back home. ^__^ Plus Jiayou jiayou


Anonymous said...

welcome back...we and friends can go to the high line park! and after getting off the park, we will be around 20th street. we can go to free galleries in Chelsea...and for dinner, if you feel like eating japanese, there is one really good...


vmselr said...

LL, i will make some for you too when i am back to NY! Time does fly. But I miss more NY this time.

Definitely sounds good, e. I would like to go. and i miss japanese food. lol