天呀! 我怎么会拥有你所提的全部症状: 右边腰疼, 时好时坏. 左手腕也刚扭到. 还有那可恨的牙齿—不知是否不喝牛奶的缘故还是遗传不好牙齿基因, 真是一团糟,尤其是braces之后. 好恐怖, 我的braces医生说我有两个潜伏的智慧牙齿(好在不是四个), 也说它们横向长, 出来会撞到隔壁的大牙. 还说我的root canal牙会渐渐变黑, 需要打钢铁锣丝钉去补救. 天, 我的牙为何要遭此浩劫. 以后是需要花一大笔去漂牙和救牙了. 想到都痛. 健康太太重要了.
最近在做运动和练哑铃, 真的为自己身材和身体着想. 不知是否有效. 如果没有改变还真泄气的.
我们是不是老了?!! 为什么这么容易扭到? 做了些伸展运动后, 我发现整个身体都轻盈很多. 哎, 我们这些朋友为什么都住得这么远, 不然的话, 一起做运动都好. 我的一颗智齿也打横. 你说我要不要找个second opinion? 你说有什么办法让打横的智齿再重新打直?
你的牙齿不是挺好的吗? 为什么你的root canal 会渐渐变黑? 什么原因? 是因为braces的缘故吗? 你要不要去看看另外一个医生? 另外, 你的保险可以让你随意看牙医和不限次数吗? 要小心你保险方面的policy, 省得将来出一大堆帐单.
i went to my family doc. yesterday and will have to see a specalist for stomach...it is still the same. i don't know how serious a horizontal wisdom tooth is, i guess i will need to see a dentist, just that i am too lazy. yes, u should look for another opinion about your tooth. how many wisdom teeth do you have? i have two, usually people have four.
i think i sit too much so my right hip hurts?
for your spine or hip problem, i suggest you to practice yoga. I know a person who used to have a really bad spine, but after a year or two of yoga (approximately 5 hour per week), her spine is much better. not only less pain, the shape of her back looks better too.
i guess my spine is all right, just my right hip, but yoga is good, i have done it before, just some individual routines, i need to find a good program and stick with it. i have been doing excercise following a DVD, it has arobics, weight training...
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