Thursday, July 1, 2010


0629100722-01, originally uploaded by thepooler.

家里每天都清洗地板,特别是夏天的时候,我们经常舍沙发而坐在地板上。昨天开始, spock开始把我当软垫。每当我坐或躺到地板上,他就自动踩上我。我坐着时,他就坐在我大腿上。 我仰躺着他就坐在我肚子上。 几个小时前,我趴在那里玩电脑时,他很不客气的坐到了我的腰上。 我想他还小,没几两重,但再过一段时间,要是一只肥猫坐我身上,我岂不得内伤?


Anonymous said...

very cute...guess having a cat is fun huh? i am not a big fan of dogs and cats...cause i'm scared of their skin and nails and slaver...

but if i were to have a pet, i'd choose a crab. i like crabs, they are cute...


Anonymous said...

lol. this is the first time i heard someone wants a crab as a pet... you should definitely get one. jj

Anonymous said...

nah...i'm not in the stage of taking care of a living thing, i mean a moving thing....i have immobile plants only, and they only need water!

crabs? i enjoy eating them at the moment. i came from a seaport city so eating seafood is my favorite activity. isn't it kind of sad...i don't want to eat my pet...
