Monday, May 12, 2008


如果谁和我一样在关注昨日发生的四 川 地 震。我建议这个网页。

N P R 最初在中国建立一个branch时,决定和别的媒体不一样;他们把跟扎在了成 都。因为他们相信作为中国地理中心的那里,可以让他们听到有别于在北京上海所能听到的声音。结果他们在扎根不久的昨天在第一时间听到感受到了这次重大灾难事件。

***check this out... the last few sentences.. of (click here: this website, it was exactly what i had in my mind when i heard of the quake... i truly don't want this to happen. but i couldn't help think of it. for the best or worst, we should be alarmed. natural or man-made disasters must have ways to be (click here: predicted.


Unknown said...

i just watched the news a while ago. it's sad. Terrible

vmselr said...

i know, it's really sad.