Thursday, June 4, 2009


00015, originally uploaded by thepooler.
去了巴伐利亚博物馆。那里有个与中国有关的展览。看见博物馆外面斗大的三个字禄亲王,当时想, 谁啊?清朝哪个亲王和巴伐利亚有关系? 结果进去一看, 展览大略讲述的是从明末清初开始,巴伐利亚与中国之间400年的交往。
原来禄亲王并不是什么满清亲王, 而是巴伐利亚最后一个皇帝的儿子Rupprechts 王子 的中国名谓。 展览甚至展出了慈禧的画,袁世凯送给他的清式盔甲,和十二生肖雕塑在内的圆明园图。

看这那些古色古香的东西, 我就想起我爷爷奶奶和他们那暗暗的木楼屋和里面的旧家具。 很想念他们。


Anonymous said...

talking about 巴伐利亚, 常被称为拜仁, and now i remember this soccer league in Munich: 拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部

i almost forgot about this league, and but always heard about it when i was in China watching Hong Kong TV..they always mentioned it.


vmselr said...

oh right, max's dad is very tall. max's younger brother is cute and tall too! haha

i never know.i heard of 拜仁, but never associate bavaria with 拜仁. anyways, good to know. i should read some germany history related books...