00045, originally uploaded by thepooler.
真可怜, 车子买了才两天, 就被我蹬坏了。 爬陡坡时不该换档,我不知道, 用力蹬车,换档,然后车链子就被我蹬崩了, 躺在地上扭得像条恶心的虫。
马克西对他自己气急败坏,说他该早点提醒我的, 就那么迟疑了几秒,就出事了。 那时我们正在去和马克西他爸爸会合的路上。真可怜, 车子买了才两天, 就被我蹬坏了。 爬陡坡时不该换档,我不知道, 用力蹬车,换档,然后车链子就被我蹬崩了, 躺在地上扭得像条恶心的虫。
半路车坏了, 马克西建议我照样骑着, 他边骑自己的车, 边一手推我和车。 我一想,死活不答应。 振振有词地说, 我这辈子还没做过这种事呢, 这里车来车往的, 我要是重心不稳,不就摔了? 马克西看我说得激动, 不由得点头说好,竟似很满意我对自己生命的珍惜?!
因为只带了一条锁链, 折衷的办法, 我们只好把两车都拴了, 两人走路。 结果迟到20分钟, 马克西爸爸等得差点打道回府了。
看完展览后回家, 我们又在琢磨怎么把丢在半路的车以最方便的方法弄回去, 结果咧, 嘿嘿, 我自打嘴巴,真的是乖乖骑着回去了。 就是让他边骑自己的车,边推我和车前行。 原来也不是那么危险。。。而且还蛮好玩的, 因为自己完全不用出力啊。
晚饭后, 马克西提议要下楼修车。 需要帮忙, 所以我也下了。 又因为工具不齐, 捣弄了一个多小时才弄好。 天都黑了。 到最后,双手乌糟,心里真是对自己很不爽, 怎么老是把自己弄得不男不女,就算老穿裙子也是成不了娇滴滴的淑女。 唉,这辈子看来真没这个命了。。。。
omg, your pics are so nice: the colors are so vivid...i HAVE to get a Canon..a compact one so i can travel w/ it.
sorry to hear about your bike, but happy to hear that u're traveling out to Austria..to Vienna?? i read an interview of Zhang Ziyi, the actress, she said that the cities she likes the most are Vienna and Prague.
not sure when i can realize my train trip to central Europe, starting from Amsterdam(Holland)-Brussels(Belgium)-Luxembourg- Geneva(Switzland)-Vienna(Austria)-Budapest(Hungary)-ending w/ my dreamland:Prague(Czech Rep.) Hey, i can stop by Munich btw the way from Geneva to Vienna too...
recommended? but i'll really need to plan well for this trip cause too many locations and train connections...maybe join a tour company if traveling alone is not safe now? but i'm sure this trip will be a very rewarding one, maybe it will be a reward for me if i can get into grad school...
by the way, Max's father is so tall.
sounds great. it seems so many cities to travel though. how many days are you going to stay in one city averagely speaking?
a friend of mine travelled alone. and she went to middle east alone. she is a very soft and gentle lady-like girl, but very brave, have to say travelling alone. she was almost robbed in one train, but managed to keep all of her stuff with other people's help.
erope is safer, so probably you can travelalone. but i think it's nicer to have an extra person to go with you. sharing what you see, what you feel, and room and boarding too!
the central Europe trip is a lot! so it may have to be 3 weeks? at least? so i really don't think this will happen soon. maybe go with my love ones on day...rather, i have my eyes set on the Egypt/the Nile River & Jordan/Petra trip. i need to join a travel agency for ths one cause self-travel in Egypt is crazy. it's better to go to Egypt in Winter, so probably in Feb next year. i really really wanna go to another culture than Western culture..so..i admire your friend who went to the Middle East...i wanted to go there too..how did she do it..tell me more..i wanna go to a major trip per year.
how was your Austria trip? your pics look great, interesting landscape...like the scenes in the Movie "The Sound of Music"..
ok, i checked and this is confirmed: "The Sound of Music" was filmed on location in Salzburg, Austria and Bavaria, in Southern Germany, and also at the 20th Century Fox Studios in California.
the movie is my favorite movie of all time! i love all the songs from the movie too...they just make me happy hehe...it looks like i have to stop by Salzburg on my future Central Europe trip! they actually have the sound of music tour in Salzburg...
p.s. what a coinicedence! when i was checking info about The Sound of Music/its location, this library user asked me to put "The Sound of Music" on hold for her. and i told her that my friend just retured from where the movie was filmed..hehe..
yeah, how nice. this makes life more interesting, doesn't it?
we spent an afternoon walking around the salz river area. lots of tourists. we also planned to revisit it again on the way back to munich, but the train schedules didnt work out nicely. so we decided to do it next time.
from what i've seen in that short period of time, i would say that munich is neater, it's the capital of bavaria anyways. but salzburg has its undeniable beauty....
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